Good marketing means also being present on social media. However, it isn’t enough only to have your accounts opened, and post random things: you need to have an attractive design, good interaction with your audience and, of course, exciting posts! You can’t just post anything on your page – this is one of the crucial things in building a vast network and gaining a loyal audience. Your posts need likes, loves, shares, and comments. To make them interesting for your customers, we always have a couple of critical elements in mind.


We get to know your audience! First of all, we are clear about who your target audience is. Are your customers' professionals, students, women, men...? When are they at work or school, what are they more likely to read online, how much free time do they have? What is exactly your goal and how do you want to achieve it? It helps us decide if we should post long articles or short reviews and when to post them! Adequate content is essential for attracting new followers and keeping the ones you already have. 

Timing is everything! You’re less likely to get many likes in the middle of the night if your target audience is business people who get up early in the morning. They are asleep at 2 AM! However, models and bloggers are scrolling through the Instagram feed at that time. So, knowing your audience well helps us find the best time that will bring you new likes and shares. Researches say that, generally, every platform has a specific time when there’s the biggest amount of activity and, accordingly, the best times to post are:

Instagram: 2AM, 8AM, 5PM
LinkedIn: 7AM, 12PM, 5PM
Facebook: 9AM, 1PM, 3PM
Twitter: 12PM, 3PM, 5PM
Pinterest: 2PM, 9PM, 2AM
Google+: 9AM, 11AM, 1PM

However, we always experiment at first! We try different times and find out what works best for your audience. Maybe they aren’t ordinary!

How often do you post on your platforms?
We always try to find a right balance between spamming people and making them forget all about your existence. Of course, you already know that quality trumps quantity, so we pay attention to what we post more than how often we do it. Still, if you want to stay popular, it’s important to make yourself visible once in a while. There is no one fits all solution for every company and social platform, but, in general, once a day is good enough not to lose your followers on Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. Also, we have in mind that, for example, Instagram Stories only last for a day, so we make sure to post them frequently! As for Twitter, it’s the platform that allows us the highest number of posts daily, up to 15.

We make great headlines! If your page posts pictures, videos or external links, it’s also crucial to write a proper introduction for each post! It’s not enough just to put it out there. Yes, your followers will see your post, but you don’t know how many people will open it the link or the video! So, we make your headline sound tempting, exciting or mysterious.
Hashtags (an adequate amount of them) are also necessary, so the post reaches as many people as possible.
Another great idea is to ask a question or invite people to share their experiences or even thoughts and tips about something related to the post. Asking questions will boost the interaction with your audience and make them return to your page to see if there are new responses or likes.

We stay up-to-date! No matter what your brand is about, it’s important to speak up about what is happening in the world. You can avoid politics, but charity and helping others should always be one of your priorities, apart from advertising your product or services. That approach helps us build a good image of your company and have people associate positive emotions with your brand, as well as share content from your page.
Staying up-to-date also applies to your area of expertise, where we pay attention to all the changes and news in your field and stay informed about the things that concern your business.

Social Media Spot Inc.

35-11 9th Street / Astoria, NY 11106 / USA 1.347.467.1200

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